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Field Day Volunteer Sign-Up

Field Day is Thursday, June 13 (Rain date Friday, June 14). Volunteers must sign up by May 3. A flyer was sent home with a QR code (see below to download and print) or you can use the link provided here.

All Volunteers must have a background check on file. Allow a few days for BCI Form to process if you haven’t done that yet. You must do one each school year, so if you did one for last field day, it has expired and must be done again for the 2023-2024 school year.

Field Day Volunteers help with games, snacks, waters, setup, and cleanup. You will be assigned a specific station and need to stay at that assigned station for your time. Breaks will be given and you will be allowed to see your student if they don’t come to your station.

Due to overwhelming parent support in the past, we have to limit volunteer numbers this year. You will be notified by June 3 if you have been selected to volunteer (based on availability and completed BCI check).

Only individuals selected to volunteer are able to attend field. Non-community siblings, spectators, and non-volunteer visitors are not allowed to attend.

We appreciate all our parents who offer to volunteer! If you have questions, please contact Randi or Andrea from the CSA. We cannot post emails here, so we suggest downloading the form below or visiting the Facebook group for more info.

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