
Kindergarten Sneak Peak and Orientation

Friday, September 1, 2023

(same day as older kids do Meet the Teacher)

K Sneak A Peek: 10:00-11:45a.m.
Please park on side streets and walk to the school. Please be sure to
observe all fire lanes and no parking zones.
At 10:00, K parents and students will meet IN THE GYM (changed from cafeteria).

After a brief welcome, students will be collected by the K
teachers and will begin an adventure of meeting each K teacher and
“sneaking a peek” into each K classroom.

Parents will remain in the cafeteria for a time to mingle and hear more
about our school from various professionals.

At 11:45, students will return and you’re welcome to visit the playground
and spend time with new friends before you leave. Teachers will meet in
the afternoon to finalize class lists. You will be notified via email
regarding your child’s class placement during the afternoon of the 1st.

(Please be sure we have accurate email information when you attend the
screening session.)

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

(same day as first day of school for other grades)

K Orientation: 9:45-10:45


Please park on side streets and walk to the school. Please be sure to observe all fire lanes and no parking zones. Please keep in mind that this is the first day of school for students in Grades 1-5, so there will be a great deal of activity first thing in the morning. We will not be able to let guests in the building any earlier than 9:45.

At 9:45, K parents and students will meet in the GYM (change of location). K
teachers will present a brief orientation of classroom curriculum and
expectations This session will be followed by students and families visiting the
classroom with your child’s teacher.

You are free to stay as long as you would like until 10:45. At that time, all guests
will be dismissed as we continue our school day. Please note that the
playground will be closed to visitors on Tuesday as it a school day and recess will be going on.

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