Welcome Chairpersons 2024-2025

Dear CSA Chairpersons,

Thank you all for volunteering to chair a CSA Committee!! The CSA is extremely fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers and we appreciate all of your hard work. The work of the chairpersons and their committees is vitally important and truly makes a difference to the
students and faculty at Community.

Here are some of the chairperson procedures we will be following this year:

Master Calendar
To help avoid scheduling conflicts with the CSA and school activities, please follow this procedure. First, check the “Master Calendar” at school first to see if the date or dates are available (the school secretary has the “Master Calendar” at her desk). Secondly, email the CSA President and the school principal the dates of your event. Lastly, fill out a form to place the event on the “Master Calendar” at school.

District Forms
If you plan on using a Cumberland School District facility for your CSA event (including Community School), then you need to complete the “Application for Use of School Buildings” form and submit it to the Superintendent’s office for approval. There are EIGHT steps to completing the form, one of which is to obtain signatures from the Police and Fire Departments. Also note, there is a separate form for use of the Wellness Center at Cumberland High School.

If you are conducting a fundraiser*** then you need to complete the “Fundraising & Flyer Distribution Packet.” The forms need to be signed and approved by Mrs. Vaughn and Superintendent Thornton. It usually takes a week to get all approvals back from the Superintendent’s office. Plan on getting the forms/flyers to the administration at least 14 days ahead of when you actually want the flyers to go home.

***If the fundraiser involves a “game of chance,” such as a raffle, then copies of both thefundraising and flyer form need to go to the police station along with a completed “Game of Chance (Raffle) Application.” You will receive a permit. **The permit must be included with your application to the Superintendent’s office.*

All forms can be found on the Cumberland School Department website under the District Administration tab. Click on District Documents, then go down to Forms/Applications. You can also access them below.

List of Events and Required Forms

Winter Event, Spirit Week, Book Swap, Group Tickets, Spring Dance, Community Outreach, Field Day, Directory, Movie Night, Parent Coordinator-
ALL need Flyer Distribution Forms

Dolphin Folder Notices
ANY notice that you plan on distributing through the dolphin folders needs to be approved by the CSA president and then sent to the administration. Mrs. Vaughn would like a courtesy copy of the flyer so she can see it and make any changes, if necessary.

The “Flyer Distribution Form” needs to be filled out with the flyer included, and then sent to the Superintendent’s office. Plan on getting the flyer form to the administration at least 14 days ahead of when you want the flyers to go home.

Once you receive approval, email theflyer to the copy secretary so it can be copied and distributed. Please give the copy secretary
3-4 days to get copies out
. Plan accordingly.
For those of you sending time sensitive information through the Dolphin Folder (such as Spring Dance, group tickets, etc.), please give ample time for the tickets to get home. It may be useful to let people know a date in which they should expect the tickets and to provide contact
information to parents (email, Facebook) if the tickets are not received by that date.

Purchase/Reimbursement Procedure


To get reimbursed for a CSA related purchase, receipts must be submitted. Reimbursements will not be made without receipts. Please submit all bills/receipts to our Treasurer, Andrea Esteves (CSACumberland@gmail.com).

Please apply for reimbursements in a timely manner after an event. Invoices do not require a
reimbursement form.

Deposits and Cash Boxes:
When you require a cash box with change and/or are collecting funds for an event or fundraiser please email Andrea at CSACumberland@gmail.com to arrange a drop off/pick up.

Please submit collected funds to Andrea weekly, so we can minimize bounced checks. Please make sure all checks are made out correctly, signed, and have all staples removed. It would also be helpful if the money was tallied with the deposit. Please contact Andrea with any questions.

Sales Tax Exemption
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, therefore, we are exempt from paying sales taxes. We have certificates of exemption for both RI and MA. Please consult the President or Treasurer if you need a copy of these certificates.

If you are a new chairperson and have questions about your duties and responsibilities please feel free to contact the former chairperson. If you don’t know who that person is we can forward their email address.

Again, thank you all for volunteering for the CSA. We look forward to working with you and having a fun and successful school year.

Andi Friedland