
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:

Students will be at the High School Transitional Building.


ARRIVAL –  9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.


  • Bus students will be dropped off and picked up in front of the Trans office.  Staff monitors entrance to the building.
  • Breakfast will be available in the foyer for those selecting breakfast. Breakfast items will be eaten in the classroom.
  • Bus students will be dismissed starting at 3:40 p.m. or as soon as the bus arrives.  Staff members will supervise the arrival and dismissal of bus students.
  • Parents are asked to be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the pick up and drop off times noted by the bus company. 
  • A guardian/adult MUST be present for K students to be dropped off at the bus stop. An ID may be required if the driver is  not familiar with the adult/caretaker. 

Parents are encouraged to send students by bus. 

All students are assigned to a bus.  



  • Parents enter the parking lot using the second driveway on Farm Drive coming from Mendon Road.  Follow it around to the back parking lot and stay close to the HS building on the left.  The drop off area is located along the back of the high school cafeteria.
  • Please pull all the way forward in the line. This allows more cars to drop off.  Students being dropped off in the car line must be able to get in and out of their car seat or car seatbelt on THEIR OWN, otherwise the parent needs to park and walk their child to the front of the building.  Please be aware that this is discouraged since this parking lot is shared by all HS employees, students, Central Office staff, and Community School staff.
  • Parents parking to drop off must park on the left side of the parking lot near the field. Please do not drive toward the front of the school as this area will be used for bus drop off. No visitor spaces will be accessible during morning drop off time.
  • Drop off between the “student drop off signs” so students may get off on the sidewalk.
  • Cars may line up at 8:50am. No early arrivals please! At 9:00 a.m  any cars that are along the sidewalk may let their child out when a staff member comes out to supervise students on the sidewalk.  A crossing guard will help cross students safely to the main entrance of the school.
  • When cars are unloaded we ask that you stay in a single file line, please do not pass others in the line. The car line will move when the front cars have been unloaded.


  • Parents who are picking their child up at the end of the day should park in the rear of the parking lot, near the field and walk to the building, using the sidewalk.
  • Please have your child’s walker number with you. (Walker numbers are distributed in students’ Dolphin Folders on Meet the Teacher Day or K Orientation Day.)
  • A teacher will take student names and check walker tags. Please understand that if you don’t have a walker tag, you may be asked to step out of line so your identity can be checked by office staff.
  • Students will be dismissed and walker tags will again be checked. 
  • Students will not be dismissed without an adult present.
  • When you leave, please be sure to avoid the parking lot and use the sidewalks so buses can proceed safely. Please do not cross in front of buses.


  • Students arriving after 9:15 a.m. must be brought into the school by their parents/guardian or designee. Parents will need to park in the visitor parking spaces and bring the student to the main office.
  • Parents must show an appointment card or doctor’s note for proper coding of an excused lateness or absence. 


  • Parents must park in designated visitor spaces and report to the main office to sign their student out. Please have an ID with you.
  • If a student is being dismissed for non illness reasons (doctor appointment, therapy appointment, etc.), the student will remain in their classroom and will be called to the main office once their guardian has arrived. If the student is ill, they will stay with the school nurse or designee until the parent arrives. 
  • Parents are asked to send us a note in the morning with their child if they know in advance of the early dismissal. The note must state the reason for dismissal to be documented in ASPEN.  
  • Please call the school before 2:00 p.m. for unexpected changes to your child’s dismissal.

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